ADEL - 78 Skin Ointment

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Skin Ointment
Special Price ₹480.00 9% off
ADEL - 78 Skin Ointment
ADEL - 78 Skin Ointment

In the complex, Bellis perennis shows a marked efficacy for inflammed skin that exudate with swelling and indications of erysipelas, acne and herpes (developing), which appears as a burning and painful rash.

Erysipellike inflammations of the skin are in the remedy picture of Euphorbia resinifera too. The efflorescences are red, swollen, itchy and biting. It is a very reliable ingredient of the remedy.

A great healing factor of the ointment is Hydrastis canadensis. Here you find indications longing from unhealthy skin to chickenpox, variola and other bad circumstances of the skin.

Ulcerous states of the skin are in the remedy picture of Kreosotum. The function of this remedy is as a very important disinfective material for wounds, pustules with violent itching states.

A further strong matter against erysipelas and herpes effloescence’s is Rhus toxicodendron with a wide field of influence. You can find bacterial and pus inflammations, compounded with itching, burning and neuralgic paretic states.

Sempervivum tectorum is an old Paracelsus. Unfortunately, it is not too often used but it is wonderful for erysipelatous affections, wounded regions in the skin and above all herpes zoster with stinging pains.

The next ingredient of the ointment is Vinca minor a good reputed skin remedy. It is well known for trichoma states of the skin, wet eczemas and itching / burning pustules.

At the end the complex contains a very famous material, named Viola tricolor. The plant acts against scrophulous eczema, crusta lactea and impetigo efflores-cences, so that all materials together even heal long lasting bad skin diseases reliably.

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COMPOSITION: Bellis perennis 8x, Euphorbia resinifera 4x, Hydrastis Canadensis 3x, Kreosotum 6x, Rhus Toxicodendron 8x, Sempervivum tectorum 3x, Vinca Minor 3x, Viola tricolor 2x.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Rub in locally, or apply using a bandage or dressing.

ADEL 3(Jaundice & Liver drops) – Liver function
ADEL 12(Skin drops) – Skin diseases
ADEL 48(Lymph & Tumour drops) – Lymphatic inflammation ADEL 87(Infection drops) – Bacterial and viral infections

INDICATIONS: For psoriasis, pimples (acne vulgaris), eczema, urticaria and other skin diseases

More Information
Pack Size 35 GMS
Eyes & Sight No
Price ₹530.00
Disease Skin Hair Nails
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