MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — November is American Diabetes Month. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) more than 37 million children and adults have diabetes in the United States. In West Virginia, they estimate more than 220,000 people, 15 percent of the adult population, have been diagnosed with diabetes and another 45,000 are unaware they have it.

The WVU Medicine Diabetes Education Center (DEC) is ADA accredited and works diligently to positively affect the health of those living with the disease through inpatient and outpatient services, including blood glucose monitoring, insulin and non-insulin injection training, hypoglycemia treatment, meal planning and carbohydrate counting, medication management, and physical activity counseling.

Dominick Barbetta

Dominick Barbetta

Diabetes Educators Conference

Left to Right - Mary Treadway (Camden Clark Diabetes Educator), Jennifer McDonald (Ruby Diabetes Educator), Michelle Kapp (Ruby Diabetes Educator), Justine Haney (Ruby Diabetes Educator), Juliana Royse (Ruby Diabetes Educator) Emily Smaniotto (Ruby Diabetes Educator - Coordinator), Jill Spangler (Reynolds Diabetes Educator) at the 2023 Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (ADCES) Conference

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