West Virginia Department of Education

West Virginia Department of Education

A recent report released by the West Virginia Department of Education reveals that there are still areas for improvement in school safety across the state. The report outlines various safety measures that schools are required to implement, including hiring school resource officers, installing weapon detection systems, and upgrading doors and windows.

Micah Whitlow, the State School Facilities Director, explained that each school administration has been instructed to provide updates on their safety measures, which were compiled by the department into the report. The report will be delivered to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability, potentially in December or January. Whitlow also mentioned that a special revenue policy called the Safe Schools Fund will be established to distribute funds for school safety needs if granted by the legislature. The report highlights that, until all special education classrooms have video cameras installed, the Board of Education will allocate funds from the safety fund for this purpose, with a budget request of over $11 million.

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