Established in 2008, Terri Reed Cutright & Associates has been on the cutting edge of grant writing and community development. Leading that charge in Morgantown is founder and President Terri Cutright.
Over the last 30 years, Cutright has been recognized for her leadership acumen with several awards, including the 2015 SBA West Virginia Women in Business Champion of the Year.
“I started the company in 2008, but at that point in time I just used it as a side hustle,” Cutright said. “At the end of 2014, I decided that I was going to go ahead and transition over to my company full time.”
TRC & Associates is an active small business member of the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce. Of its several specialties, the company assists in a variety of project management, strategic planning, grant development, community and downtown revitalization, special events, tourism expertise, historic preservation and economic development efforts.
“I love community development and working with groups that have that same passion,” said Cutright. “I don’t take on a project unless I have the passion for it. I know a lot of consultants that don’t have that luxury.”
Cutright has secured over $18 million in grant funding, including for the Morgantown Area Partnership, Charleston Area Alliance, Arts Monongahela, city of Morgantown, Michael Baker International, PACE, Empty Bowls Monongalia, Operation Welcome Home, Sutton Community Development, Pennsylvania Downtown Center, city of Bluefield, and the Economic Development Authorities for Monongalia, Preston and Barbour counties.
“I’m just excited about all the opportunities going on in West Virginia, Morgantown and Monongalia County,” Cutright said.
“There’s just an optimism everywhere you go, and it’s a rarity to run into others who don’t share that same enthusiasm,” she said.
Cutright has served on the board of directors for the West Virginia Preservation Alliance, Arts on the River Festival and the Metropolitan Theatre Foundation and serves as the representative of economic development for the Business Networking International Mountaineer Chapter in Morgantown.
PIECE OF ADVICE: “Give yourself six months before you leave your day job and start to think about who your clients or your customers would be,” Cutright advised.
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