Cindy's Fund Patient Contacts

Initially beginning with just one person, Cindy’s Fund now has 10 Patient Contacts. Pictured in the front row, from left, are Debbie Workman, Teresa Domenick, Tim Miller, Teresa Harvey and Kathy Skipper. Back: Robin Tasker, Ramona Thomas, Patty Plessinger, Sandy Bell, director, Mitzi Wiltison, Brenda Reckner and Kasey Lambert, patient contact c oordinator.

OAKLAND — Cindy’s Fund has continued to grow in the last 20 years, a process needed in order to serve Garrett County people with cancer. The growth can be seen in the number of people served, the amount of money that has been paid in cancer expenses, the number of fundraisers held to meet the demand and the number of volunteers.

When Cindy’s Fund receives a referral of someone needing assistance with their cancer expenses, a patient contact is assigned who gets in touch with them, explaining how Cindy’s Fund can help them.

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