WHEELING, W.Va (WV News) — As Herd That took on Best Virginia in its second round TBT matchup, Notre Dame alum Jarrod West stood from the bench to shout at point guard Rob Gray before a timeout. Motioning Gray over with his arms, West pulled him to the side to bring him a reminder.

“Obviously, my dad is a coach, and I’ve been around him my entire life,” West said. “I aspire to be a coach in the future. I try to bring energy and instill confidence in the guys. I want to give constant reminders. We have a lot of good players that don’t need to be talked to every play, but every now and then it’s good to bring in those reminders: ‘It’s OK, we’re good.’ At the end of the day, it’s bringing energy. If I’m not in the game, I want to bring that spirit and energy on the bench. I want to help out the team. It’s all about winning, so I’m down for that.”

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