FAIRMONT — Government contracting firm TMC Technologies has helped the FBI Criminal Justice Information System in Clarksburg increase criminal background check efficiencies at an unexpected level, according to FBI officials.

The system, known as the Identity History Summary Checks System or IDHSC, is primarily used for providing individuals with an Identity History Summary. An Identity History Summary is a criminal history record or a rap sheet listing information taken from fingerprint submissions kept by the FBI related to arrests or proof that one does not exist. Individuals typically make this request for personal review to challenge the information on their record, to satisfy a requirement for adopting a child in the U.S. or internationally and also to live, work or travel in a foreign country. But, according to TMC President and CEO Wade Linger, the process took up to 14-16 weeks to get your Identity History Summary response.

NCWV Media Business Editor John Dahlia can be reached at 304-276-1801 or by email at jdahlia@ncwvmedia.com.

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