RAVENSWOOD, W.Va. (WV News) — The Demonettes got another win behind pitcher Josie Caldwell, Monday evening as they defeated GW Middle School 14-5.
Josie pitched 4 innings striking out 6 and allowing no hits. Maddie Slater led the team at the plate going 3 for 3 with 5 RBI’s and a run scored. Makenna Creel pitched an inning of relief giving up 2 hits and 3 runs. Makenna at the plate went 2 for 4 with 2 runs scored and 3 RBI’s.
Ravenswood hosted Clay County on Wednesday evening. Makenna Creel led the offense going 3 for 4 at the plate with 5 RBI’s and 2 runs scored. Montana Slater went to the plate 3 times going 1 for 1 with 2 RBI’s and a scored and drawing 2 walks. Kenzi Shumate went 2 for 2 with an RBI and a run scored.
The Demonettes improve their record to 3-0 on the season and play at Wirt County Friday and return home on Tuesday to face Point Pleasant.
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