Tony Onorato has always been a go-getter. Licensed as a professional counselor, he functions as a Sports Performance Consultant out of his agency in Morgantown, West Virginia.
APO Counseling was born almost 25 years ago and focuses on working anxiety, depression, substance abuse and sports performance-related issues. Onorato is also the owner of the ProHealth Employee Assistance Program and the Founder of Fortis Healthcare Systems, Inc.
“My father was very existential, and his faith was very important to him,” said Onorato. “This groomed me a little bit in how I thought about being helpful to others.”
Onorato knows a little bit about maintaining a successful mindset in any area of life, whether interpersonal, performance-related or vocational success.
“Frame of mind is everything,” Onorato said. “What do I anchor myself to? We help people anchor themselves to their strengths and priorities.”
Onorato’s empire is thoroughly West Virginian, having worked for several WVU royalty, including Don Nehlen and John Beilen.
Once a member of the WVU wrestling team (c. 1984-1989) and a graduate assistant strength and conditioning coach during his master’s degree program, he now contributes to the color commentary for WVU’s home wrestling matches on ESPN+.
In each new endeavor, Onorato attempts to locate his success in four things:
• Know what’s important to you
• Work from your strengths
• Focus on what you can control
• Make sure you have fun
Onorato sits on the West Virginia Board of Examiners in Counseling and is a board member of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. He previously served as the president of the West Virginia Licensed Professional Counselors Association.
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