Umbel water project

Pictured above in the front row (from left) are Nancy Hopkins, executive director, the Chris Long Foundation; Margaret Martens, executive director, Water Well Trust; and Roxie and Chase Umbel. In the back row are Ed Smith, Wyatt Dermer, Jeff Dermer and Brian Dermer of Sperry Drilling Inc.; Mark Ball, Milby Company; and Judy Bird, Sperry Drilling Inc.

FRIENDSVILLE — The Umbel family of Friendsville, Maryland, has received a new water well system that will provide dependable water access on their property, something the family has been living without for months after their water well pump failed.

Two-time Super Bowl champion Chris Long and the Chris Long Foundation teamed up with the Water Well Trust to provide clean, safe drinking water to the family of three who are currently living with limited access to clean, potable water.

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