West Virginia has officially joined the Multi-State Internet Gaming Agreement (MSIGA), which allows online poker players in the state to play against players from other member jurisdictions. This agreement has already been signed by Delaware, Michigan, Nevada, and New Jersey.
West Virginia Lottery Director John Myers expressed his satisfaction with the development. He believes that this agreement will benefit West Virginia iGaming providers, as it will increase the number of participants and, consequently, the potential winnings for players.
To offer multi-state poker, West Virginia iGaming service providers must submit a letter of intent to the Lottery and obtain the necessary approvals from West Virginia and other member states.
The Multi-State Internet Gaming Agreement was first established in 2014 by Nevada and Delaware. It was created to allow patrons participating in legal online gaming within the two jurisdictions to share liquidity. New Jersey joined the agreement in 2017, followed by Michigan in 2022.
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