A recent analysis of data conducted by the U.S. Fire Administration has revealed that West Virginia ranks 6th out of all the states in terms of fire fatalities. The study found that for every 1,000 fires in the state, there are 13.2 casualties. This alarming statistic has prompted Assistant Fire Chief Deric Jamison from the Wheeling Fire Department to share some important tips on fire prevention.
As the cooler temperatures set in, many people resort to using space heaters as a supplemental heating source. However, Jamison emphasizes the importance of ensuring that space heaters have at least 3 feet of clearance around them to prevent any potential fire hazards.
Moreover, the high number of fire fatalities in the state can be attributed to several factors. Jamison points out that being a rural area, response times to fire emergencies are longer. Additionally, the state has a higher-than-average elderly population, and both the very young and the elderly are particularly vulnerable in fire incidents. Jamison stresses the need for a better implementation of working smoke detectors in homes to address this issue.
According to Jamison, having working smoke detectors in your home can double your chances of surviving a house fire. He also emphasizes that common sense plays a crucial role in fire prevention. For more detailed fire safety tips, individuals can visit nfpa.org.
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