CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WV News) — The West Virginia Public Service Commission has opened an investigation into the waterline break that has left residents of the West Side of Charleston without natural gas service.
The PSC will investigate the incident that occurred Nov. 10, when an explosion of an West Virginia-American Water Company line impacted service for customers of Mountaineer Gas.
Within 20 days, PSC staff will make recommendations for information and evidence that West Virginia-American Water and Mountaineer Gas will be required to file formally with the Commission.
The utilities will then have five days to respond to those recommendations. The Commission will establish further proceedings after the information has been filed.
“We want to see this matter resolved as safely and as quickly as possible,” said PSC Chairman Charlotte Lane.
Gov. Jim Justice, discussing the incident during a press briefing Thursday, said a WV-AW-owned line “blew apart in every way,” causing extensive damage to adjacent natural gas lines owned by Mountaineer Gas.
“We had water in the gas all over the place — for 46 miles of gas line,” he said.
Only those in the immediate area are expected to be impacted, Justice said.
“From what I understand, this is really just to the West Side of Charleston, but we’ll continue to follow up,” he said. “I do not think there is a health concern or safety concern throughout other areas of our state.”
Justice issued a state of emergency in Kanawha County on Wednesday evening and activated the West Virginia National Guard to assist with the response.
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