John F. Kennedy's visit to Charleston

President John F. Kennedy shakes hands with visitors in the rain upon his arrival at Kanawha Airport in Charleston on June 20, 1963.

CLARKSBURG W.Va. (WV News) — “The sun does not always shine in West Virginia, but the people always do,” said the late U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy won the hearts of many West Virginians through the actions he took as president.

John F. Kennedy visits WV in 1963

John F. Kennedy had visited West Virginia for the last time on June 20, 1963, to thank residents for their support in his win over Hubert H. Humphrey in the West Virginia primary.

WV residents Mourn Kennedy

A page from the Sunday, Nov 24, 1963, edition of The Sunday Exponent-Telegram shows local residents in mourning following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Bill O'Field


John F. Kennedy in Wheeling

President John F. Kennedy greets crowds at Wheeling-Ohio County Airport in Wheeling, West Virginia, during a congressional campaign visit on Sept. 27, 1962.

JFK campaign speech in 1960

Senator John F. Kennedy’s speech given April 27, 1960, in Hinton, West Virginia, discussing a need for federal assistance to aid in the development, research and conservation of natural resources in West Virginia as a means to attract tourism and repair the state’s economy.

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