The 967 fire in the Monongahela National Forest in Pocahontas County, West Virginia has grown to approximately 145 acres, according to the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). The fire, which was first reported on Monday night, is currently 65% contained with moderate fire activity in hardwood litter and some brush.
At present, there are around 38 firefighters on site working to combat the blaze. The USFS revealed that overnight, firefighting crews conducted burnout operations and patrolled the area. As a result, those passing through the area may see or smell smoke.
In addition to the 967 fire, West Virginia firefighters are also battling the Steep Valley fire in the New River Gorge National Park and Preserve. Furthermore, there have been reports of smaller brush fires in Marion and Harrison counties in north central West Virginia in recent days.
While dry conditions persist in West Virginia, the National Weather Service issued a Special Weather Statement on Wednesday and Thursday highlighting the enhanced fire danger. However, as of Friday morning, no watches, warnings, or advisories related to the fires have been issued.
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