West Virginia has seen a significant uptick in the percentage of fourth-graders not proficient in reading and eighth-graders not proficient in math, according to the 2023 Kids Count Data Book.
West Virginia schools are undergoing significant changes following the passage of House Bill 3035, also known as the Third Grade Success Act. The new law aims to improve reading and math skills for students in kindergarten through third grade by implementing changes in teacher training requirements, classroom aids, and student assessments.
Under the Third Grade Success Act, third-grade students who do not meet the literacy and math skills thresholds are required to repeat the grade, with a few exceptions. This provision has raised concerns about potential staffing issues in schools if a large number of students are held back. Eric Croasmun, the Curriculum Director for Pleasants County Schools, expressed concerns about the potential need to hire additional third-grade teachers and the possibility of overstaffing in fourth-grade classrooms, which could lead to staff reductions.
Croasmun also acknowledged that preventing students from advancing to the fourth grade based solely on their reading or math level may not always be the best decision for their overall educational development. He noted that the Third Grade Success Act also provides teachers with new resources focused on the science of reading, which can be beneficial.
The implementation of the Third Grade Success Act in West Virginia is believed to have both positive and potentially challenging implications for schools. While the law aims to improve reading and math skills among K-3 students, concerns about staffing and the impact on students' educational journeys have been raised.
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WV teachers are already have openings for over 2000 teachers. They have subs as teachers and most do not have degrees or require degrees. Take a long look at your county School system and you will be shocked what you will learn because School Boards have been cutting corners for years a covering up crimes. They reward personnel who violate laws and rules with promotion. They do not do background checks on people they hire. Look at Berkeley County WV.
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WV teachers are already have openings for over 2000 teachers. They have subs as teachers and most do not have degrees or require degrees. Take a long look at your county School system and you will be shocked what you will learn because School Boards have been cutting corners for years a covering up crimes. They reward personnel who violate laws and rules with promotion. They do not do background checks on people they hire. Look at Berkeley County WV.
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